contact us
contact us
We have something
to offer you
Production of natural products
and raw materials for the cosmetics,
pharmaceutical and food industries
Our products and Brands
Замороженная продукция для бизнеса
Растительные экстракты для бизнеса
Бренд полезных чайных напитков
Для розничных покупателей
Contact Us
Russia, Yekaterinburg, Sovhoznaya d.6
Metro Kosmonavtov, exit #5 on Kosmonavtov Avenue, then right to the intersection with Sovkhoznaya Street
Working hours
Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Timezone:(UTC+05:00) Yekaterinburg (RTZ 4)
Call or Write to Us
+7 (343) 226-93-08
+7 (906) 851-41-91
Our partners
We are trusted by companies that need natural raw materials to produce their products
Ecoproduct store chain
A company that produces energy drinks
A company for fans of natural and organic cosmetics based on Siberian plant extracts
Let's get IT!
For more information on our products simply email agro@ligaza.com or reach out via the contact form below.
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your email
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